Baby Name Generator
Generate a baby name simply and quickly. Get ideas for boys and girls names. My name generator finds names that go beyond the usual
without being too far out there. Have fun generating as many names as you like.
To get started, try entering the mothers name, fathers name, or both parents names. You can even enter parents nicknames, names of family members, friends or anything you want.
Feel free to generate as many names as you like by entering your nickname, names of family members or friends.
About Baby Name Generator
Baby names are built using the 500 most popular names for babies born in the U.S. during 2004 according to the
Social Security Administration.
How Baby Name Generator Works
Baby name generator is based on my Wu-Name Generator. It uses different
data files and an additional drop-down for selecting gender. Get the Javascript for the drop-down by
viewing source. Read how Wu-Name works if you want more details.