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Free JavaScript Books

Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours, 3rd Edition
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours This is an easy-to-understand tutorial on both scripting basics and JavaScript.

Newer version (4th edition) also available from amazon.com
Core JavaScript Guide
This book explains everything you need to know about using core JavaScript. It assumes you have a general understanding of the Internet and the web and a good working knowledge of HTML. Some programming experience with a language such as C or Visual Basic is useful, but not required.
JavaScript Essentials
JavaScript Essentials A comprehensive online book designed to provide web developers with everything they need to know to create rich, interactive and dynamic web pages using JavaScript.

This book assumes that the reader has some experience in designing web pages using either HTML or XHTML. Experience using other programming languages is a benefit, but not a requirement.

Also available from amazon.com
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition An essential guide to JavaScript. Covers core JavaScript (all the keywords, general syntax, and utility objects like Array) separately from coverage of client-side JavaScript (which includes objects, like History and Event, that have to do with Web browsers and users’ interactions with them. This approach makes this book useful to people using JavaScript for applications other than Web pages.

Also available from amazon.com
Newer version (5th edition) also available from amazon
Core JavaScript Guide
This book covers the basics of JavaScript with an overview of JavaScript, core language features: values, variables, and literals, expressions and operators, regular expressions, statements, functions, working with objects, and details of the object model. It also offers some unique content by including LiveConnect technology that lets Java and JavaScript code communicate with each other (this chapter assumes you are familiar with Java programming).
Client-Side JavaScript Guide v1.3
This book is pretty old, but it covers the basics which are still valid today.
Client-Side JavaScript Reference v1.3
This book is a reference manual for the Client-Side JavaScript Guide v1.3 (previous book above).
JavaScript Manual of Style
JavaScript Manual of Style Another old book that covers the basics and is relevant today. This book is divided into three parts. The first part gives a quick introduction to JavaScript, explains what JavaScript is good for, outlines what you can do with it, says what makes a good Web page and what makes a bad Web page, and what you can do to keep your pages on the good list.

The second section introduces a problem, demonstrates how you might solve it without JavaScript, and then shows how you can craft a much better solution with JavaScript. It also has thoughts on how you can enhance the solution and how you can adapt the techniques to creating your own Web pages with JavaScript. In every chapter, the JavaScript code is discussed in depth, function by function.

The third section contains appendices, full of useful reference material: the character set, reserved words, a review of HTML, the JavaScript operators, JavaScript's built-in objects and functions, and online resources.

Also available from amazon.com
Teach Yourself JavaScript in a Week
Teach Yourself JavaScript in a Week Another old book that is still relevant for teaching the basics. This one is structured with a 7-day course and guides you through building your own working scripts.

Also available from amazon.com

JavaScript for the Total Non-Programmer
Takes you step by step through the fundamentals of Javascript. You will learn how to write functions, use data from text boxes, create IF-THEN conditionals, program loops, and generally make your web page “smarter.” Assumes that you have no prior programming experience, but that you have created your own HTML pages. Written by someone who teaches computer classes for a living to corporate clients of all levels.
Ajax Design Patterns
Ajax Design Patterns These pattern are the building blocks of Ajax applications. They are more “reference patterns” than true “design patterns,” at least from the perspective of a modern Ajax developer, who will take these technologies as a given. The patterns are included to introduce the types of technologies that are used, provide a common vocabulary used throughout the language, and facilitate a discussion of pros and cons.

Also available from amazon.com

Summary of Book Info from Amazon

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