U.S. English Name Generator
Generate a United States English name based on your name. You will get a personal first name and last name (family name). It's quick and easy. Have fun!
For a different approach for coming up with an English name, try my baby name generator. This page will create a first name and middle name, but not a last (family) name It uses a different set of names, actual names given to babies in the United States in 2004. US Names are real first and last names from
the US federal census data.
About U.S. English Name Generator
U.S. Name Generator is based on Wu-Name, my first name generator. U.S. Name
name generator uses a different data file and an additional drop-down for selecting gender.
I like to use my U.S. Name for those ridiculous customer cards at stores such as Safeway and Rite-Aid.
The how-to article about how Wu-Name name generator works also explains how U.S. Name works.