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Name Generators
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U.S. English Name Generator

Generate a United States English name based on your name. You will get a personal first name and last name (family name). It's quick and easy. Have fun!

Enter your Name:

For a different approach for coming up with an English name, try my baby name generator. This page will create a first name and middle name, but not a last (family) name It uses a different set of names, actual names given to babies in the United States in 2004. US Names are real first and last names from the US federal census data.

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About U.S. English Name Generator

U.S. Name Generator is based on Wu-Name, my first name generator. U.S. Name name generator uses a different data file and an additional drop-down for selecting gender.

I like to use my U.S. Name for those ridiculous customer cards at stores such as Safeway and Rite-Aid.

The how-to article about how Wu-Name name generator works also explains how U.S. Name works.


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