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JavaScript Links


Java Script Developer Central
A complete resource for JavaScript from the people who created it, Netscape. Includes documentation, sample code, FAQ, tech. notes, and information regarding Server-side JavaScript.

JavaScripts @ EarthWeb.com
This site is brought to us by the same group who put together Gamelan, the best resource for Java on the net. A large collection of resources, examples, and other sites are listed here in a overly organized manner, a la Yahoo.

Doc JavaScript @ WebReference.com
A good resource with how-to examples for JavaScript and dynamicHTML. Last I checked there were 4 tutorials, with a new one is added bi-weekly, I think that's every two weeks, or is it twice a week. (??)

JavaScript Kit
Free scripts and applets, lots of tutorials (beginning, advanced, DHTML, CSS). They take banner ads so they have the resources to do a better job than I can (heh heh).

General Sites

They claim to be "Your home for JavaScript and Dynamic HTML on the web. A magazine style site, with lots of good information and code examples.

Ask the JavaScript Pro
A nice set of frequently asked questions, almost all regard how to do a certain programming technique. Most people have the same questions when dealing with programming, many of these are answered here.

Real's JavaScipt How-To
A personal site put together by Real Gagnon. There is only a small section on JavaScript but it is an excellent tutorial on how to tie JavaScipt and Java applets so they work together.

JavaScript Tip of the Week
The JavaScript Tip of the Week archive is a collection of 30 coding tips with complete source code, working examples, and commentary. The archive is no longer being maintained, but still has useful information. I believe the guy who maintained this site went to WebReference.com.

ScriptSearch has catalogued and indexed numerous scripts collected over the Internet. These include JavaScript, Perl and Java, plus other resources which include a bookstore and forum.

Dynamic HTML Resources
WebCoder.com - dynamic HTML
dynamic HTML Zone
Web Reference - dynamic HTML
Inside dynamic HTML
Netscape's dynamic HTML Resources



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