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Browser Difference Table

Last Updated: Netscape 4.03

Feature Netscape
IE 4.0 IE 3.02
  JavaScript 1.1 X X X partial
  JavaScript 1.2 X ECMAScript
  VBScript X X
  Script Signing X
  Java 1.02 X X X X
  Java 1.1 w/ patch X
  Java Archive jar cab
  ActiveX plug-in plug-in X X
  Applet Signing X X
Dynamic HTML
  Layer X
  Dynamic Fonts X
  Style Sheets (CSS) X X partial
  JavaScript Style X
Feature Netscape
IE 4.0 IE 3.02
  PNG Images plug-in X
  Marquee X X
  Floating Frames X X
  Table Enhancements X


I do not claim that this list is complete, and only partially claim to its accuracy. I hope this has been useful somehow. If you have a site with a general, mainstream audience, then you should be aware of issues associated with older browsers and at least check that your site is not completely broken for such visitors. Especially if you are selling stuff.



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